Saturday 21 June 2014

Into Week 2 of liquid Diet

Well week 1 of the Optifast is over, and can't say at all it was easy in any way!  I also cannot say I didn't cheat :(. I started off really well, the first 3-4 days were tough but I stuck my guns and kept at it. Then I started going back to the gym, probably not the smartest idea, but I had the membership so why not right?  Well working out made me crave carbs, which I'm not supposed to have and I caved...more than once.  I'm not proud of it, but it happened and I'm moving on.
On a plus, my weight is down,
The first day on the diet I lost 6 lbs!! I nearly crapped my pants when I seen that, but it was mostly water weight, and it has levelled off now to approx 1lb\day.  Being 12lbs down doesn't feel a whole lot different most of the time, but some days I can feel it, especially when my work pants start to fall down..woops I guess it's time to buy some with belt loops and a belt! 
The shakes themselves aren't fabulous.  I have to drink 4/day. I have half chocolate and half vanilla.  The vanilla ones on their own made as directed is disgusting! I can tolerate the chocolate ones. But what I do when i have access to my Vitamix and ice is I put the water, shake mix, ice and either orange extract, banana extract, or coconut extract to make shakes that taste good.  It has definitely helped!!
Being able to have up to 2 cups/day of celery, cucumber and spinach helps too, however it gets boring so I am also able to have some chicken broth if I need something savoury. So there have been a few nights I have had celery soup, basically a cup of chopped celery simmered in chicken broth...doesn't that sound tasty??
Well that's about all I have this week..hopefully next week will have no cheats to report and the weight keeps coming off!! 
Ta ta for now!!

Thursday 12 June 2014

Well surgery date was bumped up to July 2nd, yes that's less that 3 weeks away! I started my optifast diet today as well. All liquid for 3 weeks...ughhh. oh wait I can have up to 2 cups of celery, cucumber and spinach a day..woohoo right! The shakes to be honest are horrible. I added some instant coffee to the vanilla one this am to make it drinkable.  The chocolate is ok on its own but could be better.  For supper I made the chocolate into a milkshake of sorts, added 5 ice cubes in the Vitamix and blended til smooth, made it sooo much better! Even made the vanilla better!

My weight went up a few pounds since my last  post,  up to 275.2lbs ughh. But that could have been all the popcorn I had last night too! Woops!

Hoping to update weekly with my weigh ins from now on! So until next week!!